Honey Pot / Cauldron Tumbler Ring for Football Shaped Tumblers - ShitVicMakes
3D printed plastic ring to give your custom tumbler a pottery-like appearance. Paint and decorate over the ring to look how you want. (See images for what a completed cup might look like. Example cup was crafted by Heather.)
This is for One (1) Honey Pot / Cauldron Tumbler Ring for football shaped tumblers.
Please pay attention to what style tumbler you have and order accordingly.
This is THE BEST FITTING honeypot ring that you will ever find! Rings are designed to accommodate the shape and curvature of the cup for a snug fit that makes contact along the ENTIRE inside surface of the ring. Random fact: our rings look flat on the inside but it's actually got a slight curve to the inner surface because that's how meticulous we are when it comes to the finer details. Our current 25oz football ring can be used on a 12oz wine tumbler but we are not satisfied with this fit and will be designing a ring specific to these in the future.
This product is made possible by ShitVicMakes and we are an approved vendor for his products. If you have any special requests for 3D printed parts please don't hesitate to reach out to us at customcreations31326@gmail.com